This illustrated series delves into the marine diversity found along the coast of Barcelona, at Platja de Somorrostro. Created to highlight a nonprofit organisation dedicated to environmental awareness, this project showcases the vibrant ecosystem that thrives beneath the waves. Through vivid illustrations, I aim to capture the enchanting array of marine life that can be discovered during at the summer snorkeling events, which offer free small group dives to the public.
These educational and engaging activities not only provide participants with an opportunity to explore the underwater world but also raise awareness about the pressing issues of climate change and pollution affecting these fragile habitats. By showcasing the stunning beauty and complexity of marine life, the series serves as both an artistic celebration and a call to action, encouraging individuals to appreciate and protect the ocean's treasures for future generations. Through this work, I hope to inspire a deeper connection between the community and their local environment, fostering a sense of responsibility towards safeguarding our planet's biodiversity.